Vitality C60

How to Cook with C60

Carbon 60 enables you to take control of your health and your well-being. This powerful antioxidant soaks up free radicals and toxins and promotes cardiovascular and neural health. Using Carbon 60 can help improve your metabolism and speed up weight loss. It’s incredibly easy to cook with which makes it even easier for you to optimize your everyday well-being.


Sauté with Olive Oil

Carbon 60 dissolves perfectly in olive oil and tolerates heat well. For this reason, we recommend using olive to sauté your favorite vegetable stir fry to help promote healthy skin and optimize brain health.


To use C60 on the stove, calculate the dosage of Carbon 60 required. If you are cooking for more than one person, remember to factor in their C60 requirements. We recommend a dosage of 1 mg per 30 lbs. of body weight per day.


Add it to Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another heart-healthy oil that’s rich in good fats and perfectly complements the benefits of C60. While you can sauté and cook with coconut oil just as you can cook with olive oil, you can also add coconut oil to smoothies or your coffee in the morning for a quick boost of healthy fats. Dissolve your daily dose of C60 into the coconut oil before adding it to your preferred breakfast beverage, and you will be set up for a healthier and energic day.


Dress Your Salads

For a quick lunchtime boost of Carbon 60, mix your daily dose with an olive oil-based dressing or vinaigrette. Pour over your salad and enjoy the benefits of C60.


Final Thoughts

With all the incredible health benefits of C60, it’s well worth adding to your daily routine. Fortunately, you can add Carbon 60 to your daily health regimen for little or no extra effort. If you have any questions about C60, contact Vitality at 1-800-377-6898.



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