Vitality C60

Is Carbon 60 Natural?

With Carbon 60 making headlines for its abilities to improve health and overall well-being, it’s normal to wonder if Carbon 60 is natural. To answer this question, let’s first explore what natural means and how Carbon 60 can complement a healthy lifestyle.


What is Natural?

Carbon 60 is a member of the carbon family, alongside graphite and diamond. While Carbon 60 was not discovered until 1985, it’s still a naturally occurring antioxidant comprised of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a spherical shape resembling a soccer ball. This shape allows it to absorb negative toxins and free radicals, sponging away harmful chemicals from your body. Since its discovery, scientists have found that it not only is natural, but that it also promotes joint and muscular healing, longevity, and cellular integrity.


Carbon 60 is Non-Toxic

Not only is Carbon 60 natural, but it’s also non-toxic, absorbing free radicals and toxins throughout your body for up to 10 days after initial ingestion. It drastically reduces the toxic load on your body’s system, allowing it to heal and regenerate instead of continually fighting the effects of the chemicals and pollutants present in our modern world. Scientists have discovered that C60 has an antioxidant capacity several hundred times higher than other antioxidants.


Carbon 60 is Organic and Vegan

Our formulation of Vitality C60 is the strongest C60 on the market. It’s also both vegan and organic, making it gentle on your body. Free from all pesticides and artificial ingredients, it’s crafted with your optimal health in mind. C60 isn’t just natural; it helps to restore your body to its natural and balanced state.


Final Word

The many benefits reaped from a daily dose of Carbon 60 can yield drastic improvements in the quality of your everyday life. Contact our team at Vitality at 1-800-377-6898 to start your journey to optimal wellness today.


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