Vitality C60

The 5 Best Oils for Healthy Skin

Naturally found oils have been used to preserve the health of skin for hundreds of years, but over the past few decades have taken a backseat to the many new and expensive products that line the shelves in the local drug store. Though, in the past few years, natural oils have begun to boost in popularity again because they are additive free, affordable, and gentle on sensitive skin types.


But what are the best oils to use on your skin to maintain that healthy glow? Read on to find out our top 5 choices:


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains high amounts of vitamins E and K, offering many health benefits to those who ingest and apply it topically on a regular basis. Coconut oil is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent allowing it to be a great option for those struggling with common issues such as yeast infections. Unfortunately, it’s one down-side is that it is not friendly for sensitive and acne-prone skin – we would recommend not applying coconut oil to the face.


Almond Oil

Almond oil contains high amounts of vitamin E, zinc, proteins, and potassium and is created from pressing raw almonds. Almond oil is much lighter in texture than olive oil, but it unfortunately typically triggers an allergic response if applied to sensitive skin. We would not recommend using almond oil on the face.


Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed Oil contains high amounts of vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and offers antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Though it offers many health benefits, it is not typically used for the skin but it has a high potential to be very effective in maintaining moisture.


Sunflower Seed Oil

Sunflower seed oil contains high amounts of vitamin E and is known to be easily absorbed into the skin, making it a very effective moisturizer. This oil has the ability to hydrate and strengthen the skins protective barrier to prevent infections and rashes.


Olive Oil

Olive oil contains high amounts of vitamins A, D, E and K and is very easy on the skin. Because of this, olive oil is a great option for anyone who has sensitive and acne prone skin, as it is a very mild, but effective, moisturizer. With its heavy consistency, ease of application and health benefits we would recommend olive oil as the top pick for natural skin moisturizers.


For an Extra Shot of Health

Try a C60 infused oil! C60 is a sphere-shaped carbon molecule that is the strongest antioxidant known to man. It is over 250 times more powerful than vitamin C, and, when dispersed into olive oil, continuously removes the damaging free radicals within the human body that are the leading cause of ageing. Try your own bottle by ordering online today at




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