Vitality C60

5 Incredible Benefits of the Sun

After a long, cold, and grueling winter springtime is finally here! March 20th marks the first day of spring in North America, and we think we speak for everyone when we say it couldn’t have come any sooner. With the warm temperatures being on the rise, many people across North America are beginning to crack open their windows to allow the fresh air to creep in. Isn’t it incredible how much better you feel when it’s a beautiful day? Why does our mental health improve when it’s nice outside?




It’s not just coincidence that your mood boosts when the sun is shining – there are many health benefits to exposing yourself to the sun. Humans are similar to plants in the way that we absorb and metabolize sunlight. We actually require exposure to thrive and grow! Here are 5 reasons you need to spend more time outside and in the sun:



  1. It Makes You Smarter


Proper exposure to sunlight can actually improve your brain function. This is because the sun provides your body with its daily dose of Vitamin D, which promotes the development of more nerve cells within the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for storing memories and forming/organizing thoughts)



  1. It Makes Your Body Stronger


Not only does vitamin D improve your ability to think but it also boosts the calcium levels within your body to strengthen your bones!


  1. It Strengthens Your Immune System


Sunlight helps settle an overactive immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells within your body, which are vital in fighting off diseases and protecting you against infection.


  1. You’ll Sleep Better


When you step into the sun, a signal is sent to your body to stop the production of melatonin, which is a hormone that your body uses to help you sleep. Your body will then re-start the production of this sleep hormone again when the sun goes down. However, when you don’t get proper sunlight in the morning your body never receives the signal to stop the production of melatonin, which makes you groggier during the day and leaves less melatonin to utilize at night leading to a restless and unsatisfying sleep.


  1. It Helps Your Skin


Sunlight has been proven to be effective in healing certain skin ailments including, but not limited to, acne, rosacea, and psoriasis. With moderate sun exposure, many skin disorders are found to clear almost entirely in a remarkable amount of time.



But be careful!


The sun is vital to longevity and good health and prevents a wide array of diseases and ailments. Of course, all good things can become dangerous if they are overdone, and when it comes to sunlight exposure it is also important to keep moderation in mind. Try to get outside at least once a day, but don’t forget to bring your sun protection if you’re planning on being out for longer than 1 hour.





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