Vitality C60

Winter Care Tips for Your Dog

Although some dogs are bred for the cold, others may struggle to stay warm and happy throughout the long, dark winter months. If you’ve got a smaller or older pup who suffers from inflamed joints or is prone to catching colds during the winter, here are a few winter care tips to make them more comfortable.

Get a Doggie Jacket

One of the best ways to help keep your new puppy warm during winter walkies is with a deluxe doggie jacket. They come in all sizes, and you can choose between different styles and options.

For freezing climates, you may want to consider a jacket lined with fur. If your area specializes in cold rain, there are also fur-lined waterproof rain jackets to keep your dog dryer and warmer even on the worst weather days.


Buy a Heated Dog Bed

If your dog struggles with the cold, you may want to invest in a heated dog bed. These can help your pup stay warm while they sleep, even if you live in an old, drafty house.

Before purchasing, make sure it’s the right size and won’t get too hot for your dog. Some beds are rated for 24-hour use, meaning they have little chance of overheating.


Use C60 – CARBON 60

C60 is a relatively new product on the market with numerous health benefits for both humans and pets. We’ve formulated our Vitality C60 Pets specifically for your furry friends.

Exposure to cold can make older pets with inflamed joints uncomfortable. Larger dogs like labradors often experience inflamed hips as they age. With Vitality C60 Pets, you can help protect your dog against inflammation and osteoarthritis.

C60 also helps boost your pup’s immune system, meaning fewer sniffles to interfere with playtime.

As we head into winter, prepare your dog for the cold months ahead. Buy an easy-to-use vial of Vitality C60 Pets today to help your dog cope with the winter and improve his overall health.



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