Vitality C60

Some of the C60 Health Benefits

C60 has a plethora of health benefits. However anti-aging is generally the benefit that is most talked about. This doesn’t mean, though, that anti-aging is the only benefit that C60 serves. As mentioned above, C60 adsorbs toxins (not absorbs but rather adsorbs, meaning it adheres the toxins to a surface of the adsorbent, and then safely excretes them from the body). It alkalizes the body and in turn boosts the immune system.

C60 prevents inflammation and osteoarthritis, protects nerves, kills bacteria and viruses, helps with obesity and even prevents UV damage. There is also evidence that C60 may be able to help prevent cancer. An animal study showed that C60 successfully slowed the growth of a tumor. Thus, in years to come, chances are there will be numerous biomedical applications of C60 including but not limited to: aging, neurodegenerative disorders and cancer therapy.

So far, this has summarized what the science says. In addition, there are many testimonials from people who have already been taking C60 for months. The general themes that emerge from various personal experiences are that C60 has improved mental clarity, promoted better sleep, helped reduce anxiety, improved athletic performance, helped animal/pet conditions, restored original hair color, healed skin ailments, improved energy levels and mood, bettered old injuries and made people feel younger. Some of these testimonials can be reviewed at our website:





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