C60, also known as the buckminsterfullerene or buckyball, is a molecular allotrope consisting of 60 carbon molecules fused in hexagons and pentagons, resembling a geodesic dome or soccer ball. The discovery of these molecules in 1984 opened the pathway to exciting scientific advancements.
The real watershed moment occurred when medical researchers at the Skoltech Center discovered how to encapsulate C60 in oil or make it water-soluble. This allowed them to see what C60 could do for humans internally.
Buckyballs are incredible antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and can help fight off viruses. Scientists also believe that C60 helps us fight off memory loss. Here’s how C60 can improve your memory.
Memory Afflictions
A World Health Organization study from 2017 reported that 50 million people globally suffer from a memory loss affliction. Alzheimer’s Disease International’s projections for 2050 report an estimated 150 million Alzheimer’s or dementia sufferers.
Alzheimer’s and dementia patients suffer from excessive plaque in their brains due to amyloids. These naturally occurring protein fibrils collect in the brain and build up as amyloid plaque, causing memory loss and confusion.
Memory loss is catastrophic for individuals and their loved ones. Losing your memories makes you feel as if you’re losing hold of yourself. For family and friends, watching the slow decline of a loved one due to memory afflictions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia is difficult.
There could be hope with C60, however.
Hopeful Discoveries
Researchers found in 2009 that C60 prevented the formation of amyloid plaque in the brain.
In 2012, scientists observed the buckyball destabilizing the structure of the amyloid fibril, preventing the accumulation of plaque.
And in 2015, a Russian medical group showed that C60 helps protect the brain with its incredible neuroprotective abilities.
All this research points to very favorable inroads into potential remedies to memory loss diseases and afflictions. Researchers, doctors, and medical scientists are working on a new drug using buckyballs to treat memory loss disorders.
The Takeaway
For those of us who are not suffering from memory loss disorder, C60 can still be a useful health and wellness supplement. Since the discovery of how to make C60 water-soluble, you can take C60 to boost your memory health.