4 Natural Supplements That Help Alleviate Inflammation
Vitality C60

4 Natural Supplements That Help Alleviate Inflammation

Inflammation naturally occurs in the body when white blood cells activate to fight off bacteria and viruses in your body. However, in some cases, your white blood cells start attacking your body instead of pathogens, which can be debilitating and lead to autoimmune diseases, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and other illnesses.

Painkillers such as NSAIDs are often prescribed to treat inflammation, but not everyone reacts well to them, and they are not a long-term solution for treating chronic inflammation.

Many natural supplements have inflammation-fighting properties. Before starting any natural supplement, it’s important to speak with your doctor, as some supplements that fight inflammation can interact with blood-thinning medications.


1.      Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Often found in oily fish such as cod, omega-3 fatty acids battle vascular inflammation that can lead to heart disease and other cardiac issues. The dosage varies depending on the condition you are trying to treat. Healthcare organizations recommend between 250-500g of omega-3 per day.


2.      Curcumin

Curcumin is the primary active compound found in turmeric, a spice used for flavoring many southeast Asian dishes. Research suggests that curcumin disrupts inflammatory pathways and reduces insulin resistance, offering therapeutic benefits for obesity-related chronic inflammation.


3.      Matcha Green Tea

Stress is known to increase inflammation in the body, and standard caffeinated drinks like coffee and soda exacerbate the effects of stressors like lack of sleep and a poor diet. If you can’t live without a caffeine kickstart every morning, try matcha green tea supplements. Matcha has been shown to reduce cortisol levels responsible for initiating stress-related inflammation.


4.      Vitality C60 Olive Oil

Inflammation is often caused by free radical damage that leads to oxidative stress. C60, also known as fullerene, can absorb up to 170 times its weight in free radicals, making it one of the most potent anti-inflammatory supplements available. Olive oil is also high in antioxidants and polyphenols known to minimize cellular damage due to inflammation.


Fight Inflammation and Live Healthier with C60

Reduce your risk of developing inflammation-related diseases by supplementing your diet with compounds known for their anti-inflammatory properties like C60. You can find high-quality C60 olive oil at Vitality. Explore our full range online.






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